“You’ll be ready when you move in and have your new bathtub!” RL decided and I nodded happily, thinking longingly of a Friday in late August. We wandered through the mall, chatting easily and examining bedding and drapes before I decided on pillows.
“I need two more, I think,” I told her absently as we moved toward the exit. She, having been good, carried a small bag containing two casual, yet elegant, tops. I balanced the pillows and corresponding linens in one hand with my bounty from Lush in the other and tossed them in her backseat as we headed back toward her town. I went through an elaborate explanation of my sleeping patterns and how I arranged the pillows. Then I winced when I realized it was terribly boring – the kind of rambling I’d normally edit out of my blog. But I glanced at her quickly, relived when she didn’t seem ready to jump out of the car at high speeds in order to escape my inane conversational topic.

In truth, we had much to discuss. Blogging and boys, trips and work, food and finances. I pounced on her offer to buy her camera, confirming multiple times she was happy to part with it and quickly loading it in my car after writing her a check. A tiny camera of high quality for far less than I would have otherwise paid! And I got to give money directly to someone I enjoy a great deal! Happiness! We might have a garage sale together once I move and get settled! Hooray!
I set off with a hug and a wave after several hours, navigating my way toward my new home without using the interstates.
“I made it back,” I said when I called my parents. Brother has moved out again – a fact that hurts me a huge amount though I’m loathe to discuss it – and the girls have stayed with my parents for the past four nights while Brother and his wife go out. Separately, of course, but still. I’m disappointed and worried about Little One and concerned that Mom isn’t sleeping well. Brother is drinking heavily and though I don’t like Brother’s Wife, I do think she tends to be a good mom. Sometimes. “The drive was even pretty and relaxing. I had a wonderful afternoon,” I told them.
And I did – not thinking too much about work or stress. I laughed and shopped and came home with various treasures that I admired when I arrived at the hotel.
“You helped me,” I told RL over brunch. “You were unhappy, but you changed your career path and lifestyle. I was so pleased for you – reading about how you were so bright and busy - and badly wanted that for myself. And though it took me longer than I would have liked, I think I did it.”
She agreed and I smiled and nodded. And though it’s always a work in progress, I spared a moment or two while we were walking together – around her adorable, little town or through the mall – and felt profoundly grateful that I’ve been part of such a supportive community. I don’t think I’ve said it lately, but I very much appreciate that you read.
“I keep thinking I’m getting boring,” I confessed. “I’m being redundant as I get settled and I don’t want to lose my people!” We both laughed, but I think RL’s read me enough to know I’m rather serious about it. I like caring about other people’s lives and keeping up with their blogs. And it makes me feel…important and special, I guess, that people sometimes stop by and read. Given that I absolutely adore the two of you I’ve met – Friend and RL – it seems impossibly cool that you’re out there. And – after about a month – I’ll have room for you to come visit! Just let me know – I’ll save you a bath bomb.
“I keep thinking I’m getting boring,” I confessed. “I’m being redundant as I get settled and I don’t want to lose my people!”
Well, it would probably help if you start getting totally enraged at people and going all wackaloon on their asses.
It does sound like you had a lovely time. I am happy for both of you!
Hi Katie! I've been reading you for a few months now but have never commented, and I just wanted to tell you that I really love your blog. I'm a PhD student who wants to get a job in industry once I graduate, and it's refreshing to see how much you're enjoying your "new life" out of academia! I wish you the best of luck on your new adventures.
Not boring at all. It makes me very happy to hear about your settling in.
Sounds like a great afternoon. I bet you can't wait to use the bath bomb in that amazing tub.
thanks for still stopping by my little space. it makes me feel special, too. :) and you are not getting boring.
I know you're saving me a bath bomb :-)!
You're not getting boring, it's just different - you still tell stories in an engaging way and it's great to see you seem to have found a much more comfortable niche!
I'm afraid I do that in private now that I'm corporate and careful. Brace yourself for the boredom, kiddo.
Seeking Solace:
I'm happy for both of us too. I've been less than great about keeping up with friends lately - I'm so tired and busy - but it's always good to add someone to my circle of favorites.
Hi Jess! You're so sweet - thank you. You don't have a blog I can read (sniffle, sigh), so I hope all is going well for you! Definitely let me know if you ever have questions I can answer - I'm happy to help.
Psych Post Doc:
I know! Everyone should probably brace themselves for when I move. It's going to be all 'I missed my dog so much and I'm so happy she's home!' and 'How great is my bathtub?!' and 'How pretty is my house?!' I can't wait.
Comments are nice, aren't they? And I'm trying to find time to leave them for others, but I've been terrible about answering mine lately. I'm working on it.
Absolutely! And now that I've taken the back roads, I know a route that's easy and relaxing so you can visit as much as you want!
Thank you. It is different, I know, and once I get more comfortable, I'll likely drift back to my former style of disclosing more. But I'm very relieved you're not bored. :)
I'm afraid I do that in private now that I'm corporate and careful. Brace yourself for the boredom, kiddo.
Definitely not boring! I enjoy reading your blog. I like how you make everything story shaped.
I just did a vanity search on my old "repressed librarian" pseudonym and came across this post. It's lovely and made me sad we didn't get together again. I'm in your town fairly often these days. I still work as hard as ever, as I know you do, but email me if you ever want to pick up where we left off as new friends.
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