"Not excited, but, yes, fine," I replied, waiting with nervous tension to hear the rest.
"And they asked that earnest money be held in her attorney's trust," Realtor concluded.
"So they didn't ask for more money?" I confirmed and closed my eyes when she said they hadn't.
"I don't have a printer and fax accessible at the hotel," I told Realtor after the wave of gratitude and happiness passed. "Can you call and tell the owners I'll print and sign it first thing tomorrow?" She agreed and I paused for a moment, blinking back a few tears. I love that house - yes, it's kind of too big for me, but it's so pretty! And the bathrooms! And decks! I'm all but trembling with joy here!

"Wait," I wanted to say as I began to smile widely. "Did I just help? Am I contributing? Yay for me!" I returned my attention to the document in front of me and added my signature to the appropriate line after neatly printing some notes in the margins. We made plans for a get-together next week and I basked in the warmth of belonging. I wasn't going to be left out - that happened often during my post-doc. Instead, people ask about my schedule before planning an outing. Others stop to talk in the hallways and are even approaching me in my office to introduce themselves and ask for my help. My calendar is filling up in a most satisfying way with meetings of people who need my opinion. I love it.
I had lunch with a colleague, perching on a chair at a tall table located just across the street from a pretty lake. I watched the water and nibbled on my portobello mushroom while we discussed the past and future and how to get from one to the other. I asked questions and took notes, but felt comfortable and knowledgeable about the topics at hand. I lifted my face to the sunshine a couple of times, feeling so spectacularly blessed that I couldn't articulate it if I tried.
"I have to find Katie," I heard Adam say at one point during the day. I was between meetings, seated at my desk, and glanced up to see him round the corner. "You're in the wrong spot," he said upon seeing me. Scooping up my nameplate, he called that I should follow him and I hurried to catch up. "You belong," he noted, placing my name in a different holder, "here. I don't know why anyone would have put you back there."

"OK," I said and began to move my meager set of belongings the several feet to my larger space. I thought the more important people sat in the larger spaces and I allowed myself a moment to feel rather special before rolling my eyes at delusions of grandeur. I mentioned to Karen that I'd need help deciding what to throw out and she immediately said I couldn't sit there.
"Excuse me?" I replied archly to the secretary, suddenly protective of my new, larger space. She proceeded to say I wasn't important enough. I glared and told her to talk to Adam. I also wrote an email describing the problem. Karen soon came to say that I was, in fact, moving and could she order me a flat screen monitor? Or new computer supplies? So apparently I am important, which is a bit weird, but I rather like it.
So I have a house, as of late next month. I have an office that's bright and cheerful. Both of them are bigger than I need, but I like having room to grow. And there are people here - Jon included, and he's another huge source of happiness all by himself - who seem to want to spend time with me. To hear what I think and show me new places and laugh when I say something charming. I giggled with one woman about her children, raised my eyebrows at another when she suggested I take ballet with her. (I agreed, by the way, but told her if she made me look uncoordinated and stupid, I was going to be mad.) Adam and I made notes on goals - all of which are exciting and challenging, and I have new email from Jon to read.
So? I'm still so happy! And beginning to think it might last - that tomorrow is something to anticipate rather than dread. It's lovely - a bit surprising, but completely lovely.
It sounds like you made the perfect move! And the house looks absolutely lovely. I sometimes forget that not everywhere is as expensive as Vancouver - from the look of that place it would go for upwards of $1.5 million up here, more in a good neighbourhood!
I know - it looks absolutely gigantic, doesn't it? But the one story on the left side of the image is the garage - 2.5 car. As for the rest of it, well, yes. It's a pretty big house. But 3.5 bathrooms! And decks! And I'm definitely not in Vancouver, though I am exceedingly happy here. :)
Wow! That's all so very exciting! That house looks huge, the new office space sounds great, your colleagues sound like they're on your side, and the possibilities on the romance front sound fun!
Congratulations on the house and the office! I look forward to visiting :-)
Oh wow! It looks beautiful!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!!
YAY!! House! Jacuzzi! House! Yay! I can uncross my fingers now. :)
So... when can I come visit?? :)
YAAAAY - so glad everything is working out for you :)
I know! It's all so good! :)
I move in on 8/22. So anytime after that, come on up! And anytime before that, I might come see you - I'm already tired of the hotel.
Thank you - I'm so happy for you and the upcoming wedding!
In profound gratitude for your crossed fingers, you have an open invitation. My whirlpool bathtub is your whirlpool bathtub. :)
Congratulations. That house is just georgous Katie. I'm sorry they moved the closing date as I know you'd rather be out of the hotel sooner, but I think this place is totally worth it.
And thank you, Anon. You're very sweet and I'm happy too.
I know - I get to go see it on Thursday while it's inspected and I fear I'll cling to the carpet and refuse to leave. But 10 extra days isn't so bad. I don't want to kick a family out when I don't really need to be there. (I just very badly want to be there.)
Oh, congratulations! It looks so pretty and, even better, you sound so happy. House, work, love interest...it's great when things seem to to be falling into place, isn't it?
I've been hoping for photos ever since you mentioned the house - it's beautiful! I'm so glad everything is going wonderfully. :)
I'm glad you agreed to the ballet class, too. I took one a couple of years ago and it was lots of fun. Almost as good as tap dancing.
I'm glad everything is working out so well. The house is gorgeous (I wouldn't know what to do of all the space on my own though! But if there's a whirlpool bathtub...). And hurray for happiness!
i's so glad to read you are happy
that's awesome! good on ya!
Oh! I'm so happy for you! I've been excitedly watching (reading?) your story develop and I'm so pleased that you're happy. The house looks lovely and your romance makes me feel all giddy (was it CAE who said that us married people have to live vicariously somehow?). Yay!
I know I'm a bit of a hedonist, but I don't get the "marrieds living vicariously" thing - what's boring about married life? I'm enjoying it!
Yay, Katie! Glad to hear that they accepted your offer with little fuss - can't wait to visit you in your mansion! Very cool. =)
- Anna
Very nice! Pary on!
omg, yay!!! congrats on loving industry, on getting a nice new office, and most importantly, on the new house!! it looks amazing!! go katie!
Katie! The house is beautiful. The job sounds great. And a man too? Really, I am so thrilled for you!
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