I used the same line three times and though I don't like it - it seems to indicate I think my presence is so important that it's required elsewhere at this very moment! - I only stopped because I came home for the day. It turns out that my calender is filling up rather rapidly. I'm on the phone or in meetings or doing training or talking to customers. I'm still useless, of course, but I have to be in different places while realizing I know very little of what I wish I did.
The consequence of these blocks of time that align neatly in Outlook is that I woke up this morning - as I have every morning since being here - and I got up. It was hard last Friday. I was exhausted and I wanted nothing more than to sleep. Only the memory of how it feels to screw up a job by being very unreliable propelled me out of bed and into clothes. But I rolled over this morning, saw it was 5:30, blinked at the sunlight sneaking between the curtains I'd forgotten to close, and rolled to my feet.
"Wow," I said as I shuffled across the room, having finished brushing my teeth and moving to check email. I didn't mind getting up! I was going to work to deal with my responsibilities and it didn't feel like torture! Hooray!
I joked with members of my team during the first meeting. There was lunch served at the gathering from 11-2, which was a really cool surprise. I even had questions to ask and opinions to offer in my final appointment. But I took my leave from that as well, coming back to the hotel to meet my massage therapist.
Having spent 90 minutes having my neck and shoulders done, I can say I'm sore. Therapeutic massage hurts, but I do feel a lot looser. And, as a side benefit, I feel ready to call it a day, sleep, and get ready to deal with tomorrow's list of tasks.
(There are interesting stories, but I've yet to figure out how to tell them. I'll work on it - I promise.)
Hmmm.... therapeutic massage... I've been waking up tense for days on end, I think I could really use one.
ooh i really like this picture!
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