Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Out of Office

I realized I may have neglected to let my blog friends know that I was going out of town. So... I'm out of town now. I caught a flight early this morning and headed south (for even more intense heat and humidity. I know.) to meet a friend. This is a working trip for the most part (not even "working" but actual working) so the laptop is filled with files and notes and papers half written. I forced myself through some revisions on my layover, but otherwise have just felt sorry for myself because I'm going to Florida and have to work a lot. Poor me.

But as I was sighing over my extensive list, I noticed the person seated in front of me shifting. In doing so, she moved the tray table, and I glanced up. She was younger than I am and I wondered if she was going back to school since she was traveling alone. I comforted myself by thinking of how far I've come in the educational process, though I still don't know where I'm going.

Upon arriving in Orlando, we deplaned and headed toward the baggage claim. Since I'm normally pretty oblivious, it took me a moment to realize that she was in full army gear. It provided an important reality check. I'm on vacation - taking a trip I didn't really need to take, but one which will increase the Publications section on my CV. All these papers I'm writing and research I'm proposing helps - first and foremost - me. In terms of career development and learning opportunities. Will it provide some critical clinical component? Eh. It'd be lovely, but it likely won't. So I'm focused on feeling grateful for the opportunity to do all this work I brought. Really.

But tomorrow? I have to see about a mouse.


Lucy said...

I'm jealous that you get to play with much more fun mice than me. Have a good trip! :)

Repressed Librarian said...

Thanks for the update. I hope it goes well.

Abbey said...

Yay for Orlando! Hope you enjoyed our "hurricane" Ernesto!

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