Sunday, August 06, 2006

Monday update

StyleyGeek is hosting the first Carnival of GRADual Progress on August 15. I didn't start my blog until after I finished grad school, and I haven't participated in a carnival. So, um, I guess I'm advising you to take a look at the website if you've read or written something that strikes you as appropriate. It's an excellent idea - I'm hoping this gets off to a good start.

In more personal news, I'm having company tomorrow! So I'm busy with cooking (ham and cheesy potato casserole, a delightful crab spread) and washing sheets and arranging flowers. I'm ever so excited about having people in my house. This is an important moment to remember since my friend and her sister will be around this week, then Brother and his people will be here next week. So when I start complaining about the mess, noise and lack of solitude, I can point back to this and remember that I eagerly anticipated those things.

I had a headache that Advil couldn't handle, so Tylenol PM came to the rescue. So I need to wander down the hall and switch laundry around before I end up going to bed at 8PM like the cool, sophisticated woman I am.


CharlieAmra said...

Delightful crab spread? ! ? You will be posting the recipe, won't you? !!

StyleyGeek said...

Thanks for posting the link!

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