- I'm very put upon. When people irritate me, I tend to soothe myself by soaking in hot water.
- I'm very sad. On the semi-rare occasions where I cry, I tend to find myself running water shortly thereafter to prevent terrible headaches and let myself recover from whatever upset me.
- I'm very bored. It's an activity that takes some time, and I sometimes need to kill a couple hours.
- I'm physically unwell. Muscles are sore, arch of my foot is cramping, head hurts, feeling queasy - water soothes me and I generally feel better after getting clean.
- I can.
Bathtime Activities
- Read. I tend toward the papers I never find time for at the office, feeling rather luxurious as I lounge in the tub and let my relaxed brain soak in some knowledge.
- Shave legs. So much easier when I'm not hurrying through a shower and can take time and not miss spots.
- Pumice heels. When else do I take time to handle pedicure projects?
- Stare into space. Once legs and feet are smooth, I lie back and let my thoughts drift as they may. I sometimes think about work, others lazily compose blog posts.
- Use Lush products.*
- Pop in the Bath
- Happy Pill
- French Kiss
- Fox in the Flowers (Warning: If you happen to close your eyes and open them, don't nearly drown yourself in alarm when you think there are bugs in the bathtub. They're flower petals. You're fine.)
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
Non-Ideal Bathing Moments
- Getting in. Said octagon window is uncovered so I tend to leave a shirt on until I can kneel in the water, out of possible view from the outdoors.
- Excessive bubbles. Some of the bubble bars are hyperactive - putting them under the high pressure flow as the tub is filling and then turning on the jets means that I get buried in whispering suds. Which makes it hard to read, though I do giggle when it happens.
- Nearly drowning myself in alarm when mistaking flower petals for bugs. That was very scary.
- Getting out, generally. See point 1 - the window makes the whole process quite awkward, but I accomplish it with a complete lack of grace and multiple slithering movements as I stay low to the edge of the bathtub until I grab a towel.
- Getting out, hurriedly. If the phone rings (or, you know, I think there are bugs everywhere), I sometimes fail to grab the towel quickly enough, wince and try to duck down while remaining dripping wet. Then I nearly fall on the ceramic tile. There's nothing like injuring yourself after a nice, relaxing bath to make you need another one
Lovely Pieces of Home (Springtime edition)

- The bunnies that guard my front door.
- Cool weather that keeps the air conditioning off and the doors open.
- The shed tucked between the far side of the fence and the deck. I feel very grown up when I think about owning a separate structure for my yard tools.
- The sun peeking through the sliding doors of the master suite - I awaken very easily lately since it gets bright so early.
- Giant whirlpool bathtub under the octagon window so I can watch the clouds float by as I settle in the water.
Tonight I took my first bath in a long time, I was needing a bit of relaxing after traveling last week. It was just what I needed. :) Bubbles and all...
The bugs thing cracked me up because I could see myself doing the same thing. Bugs FREAK ME OUT! I don't take baths often, I love my showers, but baths are definitely great when sick.
I am not really a bath person, which is a shame because I have a huge two-person tub. The main reason is that I can't stand it when my skin prunes. Unfortunately, this happens pretty quickly, so before I can even relax, I am distracted and annoyed. I've even tried sitting there with my hands and feet sticking out of the water (which does make me laugh b/c I feel like a total dork), but that position is just not too comfortable.
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