I did make it to the coast, moving up and down and left and right through the canyons and over the mountains that separated me from the water. As I drove, I thought of the email I sent Adam this morning. I decided to explain the situation that may result in a competing offer so that he knows what's up. I like him and, even while I consider a fabulous opportunity elsewhere, I still want to work for him.
I haven't received a response to that email - I'll let you know how it all turns out. I'll confess to a bit of worry. But I was also worried when I didn't hear anything for the past weeks and he remains interested. Which proves that I tend to be overly negative.

I frowned through the fog and blinked with confusion at what I thought was snow. Then I chortled a little when I realized it was more likely sand since I'd been descending the mountain for quite some time at that point. I rolled down the window and took a deep breath, smiling when I smelled ocean even though it wasn't clearly visible through the fog.
Today, therefore, was not as good as I hoped. Nor was particularly bad, but if I was shocked with delight yesterday, I was less so today.
Examples? A direct flight home (yay!) in the middle seat (boo) next to feather-glitter man (huh). A drive next to the ocean, the views of which would be stunning (yay!) but it's too foggy to really appreciate it (boo).

I thought through pros and cons of jobs, deciding to leave it for a time when I wasn't worried about finding the place to return my car or dreading spending hours waiting for my flight. I plan to think it through carefully and have one last phone interview tomorrow. I just don't know right now - I feel tired and relieved to be home and it's seeming hard to sort out.

The fact is that there are likely to be good days full or promise and productivity and others where I'll wish desperately that I'd picked the other job. I'll get frustrated with colleagues and deadlines. I expect I'll also learn a tremendous amount and meet brilliant people and be fabulously happy at times. In terms of being better or worse with one option, I can't tell. So we'll probably talk about that tomorrow.
Good/Bad. Sunny/Foggy. Midwest/West Coast. What I'm sure of in the moment is that it's good to be home and I'm pretty tired. The rest is going to wait for tomorrow, I think.
I'll confess to a bit of worry.
No wai! For realz!? HAHAHAH!
I think you should say fuck it to all the worry-worry teeth-gnashing navel-gazing blah-blah and take the job that has you feeling more jazzed about what you will actually be doing every day.
physioprof has a good point. take the exciting job, whichever it may be! but i do understand the desire to be close to family. on the otherhand, don't feel like you have to "settle" for your nieces (not that you are, i just can't think of the right word) because though the prospect of marraie may seem bleak now, you never kngow. i have no male friends either (well except for husbands of friends if you count those) but that doesn't mean it will never happen. We really don't know what life has in store for us now. And if the Calfiornia job is what is calling to you, know that you can always leave in a few years or so, or right away even, if being closer to home calls you. i think that we never really make horrible descions, we may stray off our paths, but we will never not find the path again, you know? this may make no sense, but yah, anyway. and i'm also curious to know where in california this job is?!!
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