Friday, February 23, 2007

Ten Weird Things About Me

I so rarely get tagged for memes. So when Jane mentions me, I tend to be quick to respond. And I'm nothing if not a bit odd, so this shouldn't be hard at all.

  1. I jump up and down to relieve stress. I have a mini trampoline in my bedroom and at least once a day, I put on headphones, listen to my iPod and bounce. I have done this ever since I can remember.
  2. I watch - and enjoy - Charmed. I like the idea of fighting demons that look ugly and bad. And I believe I deserve the power to freeze time.
  3. My hair is naturally wavy. I will sometimes straighten it, then go back and curl it so that the curls are as I (not nature) intended.
  4. I love stripes. As I look around my living room, my furniture, throw pillows, blanket and general decor is composed of stripey items. Even His Sproutness is stripey.
  5. I have psoriasis - a very minor case - on the inside of my ears. This means that I play with my ears more than most people and have rapidly shedding skin there. Gross, I know. My mom has the same problem.
  6. I don't like lobster. I believe it to be mushy.
  7. I once invited someone I've never met offline to go to Italy with me. We didn't go (though he did say yes), and he was actually not the man who broke my heart.
  8. I only wear socks with shoes. My feet have always been overly warm - I abhorred footy pajamas when I was little - and so I'm barefoot more often than not. I also adore flip flops since they allow me to go sockless.
  9. I have a collection of state quarters. I finished my first book amidst much nagging from my parents. They took my second book back since I was doing a miserable job at keeping up with my coin collecting. They update me on its progress when they find new quarters.
  10. In my blog stories, I use a random assortment of actual names, pseudonyms with some meaning to me and random names for no reason at all. I sometimes have to look back in my archives to remember what I called someone.
Since I rarely get tagged, it's difficult for me to tag people. Um...let's see. I don't remember reading Lucy's list. Then I'll try The Contessa, PhD Me, TitleTroubles, and Estrella. I have this terrible fear that I'll list someone who doesn't read me and then be humiliated and sad. But I've already done the humiliated and sad routine today (story to come later), so what more is there to lose?


The Contessa said...

thanks for tagging me!!!! That was knd of fun and I had to really struggle to figure out what I do that's odd - I thimk of these things as normal for so long that i don't think I looked at them from an outside perspective!

That was a lot of fun!

Quiche said...

I watch Charmed too. My roommate in grad school (a pathologist) got me hooked. Incidentally, one of my other friends from grad school is writing her diss on witches, t.v., and fans of Charmed. Have you seen the pre-teen and young adult fan fiction for Charmed? She uses all that stuff in her diss.

Jane said...

Cool! Thanks for playing along! I really like your stress relief method---I imagine it's great exercise, too.

Maisha said...

Tag me!Tag me!Tag me!

Anonymous said...

my mom would cut the feet off our feety pajamas b/c it was too warm that way!

btw, i love the trampoline idea!

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