Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yawn, redux.

Mild sickness. Much sleeping. Followed by brief periods of being hazy and awake, during which I look forward to napping again. This also makes me tend toward starting blog posts, then failing to find the energy to finish them. But I did find new icons! I was mindlessly downloading them and changing the way my dock looks when Unnamed Friend called. It's all very exciting.

But I made a list and acquired items at WalMart. I returned home to eat panang curry since it was helpfully brought to me by my shopping buddy. If I happened to forget she asked for an Advil because I was distracted by the delight over my purchases (feather toys for Sprout! More cat food to go in the container! Tennis balls for Chienne! New cutting board! Food! Soda!), I apologize. It's an unfortunate side effect of this icky yet mild disease that I can't remember stuff for very long and am thrilled when I can focus on the mundane.

Oh! Like when I was cleaning earlier today. Sprout and Chienne have teamed up to destroy my kitchen. The cat gracefully leaps on the counter and elegantly pushes off anything he can find. The dog then eats or otherwise makes some mess with whatever has appeared from above. So there was a mustard stain and bits of egg shell (long story) on my floor. This did not please me. I informed the animals that I enjoyed cooperation in general, but did not approve of this project.

So I was scrubbing at the mustard stain and realized I created a bright white spot amidst a rather gray floor. And while I hardly expect to win awards for housekeeping skill, I'm not OK with living in filth. Apparently my swipes with the Swiffer Wet aren't adequate. So I frowned at the muddy footprints and residual mustard and layer of grime. Then I grabbed my bucket and mop and trusty Mr. Clean and scrubbed. I was very pleased with the results and smiled with satisfaction before heading down the hall to take another nap. If I still haven't started laundry, I'll blame it on being sick. I'm really very tired.

But errands were run this afternoon, which is really good. I put together my cheesy potato casserole after dinner (I'll eat it later this week), and the house smells like comfort now. Cheese and ham and potato. Sour cream and butter. I put in a Friends DVD (Harry Potter was on ABC, but it was scaring me) and am basking in a clean house filled with stuff I like and need. The animals have stopped playing with their new toys and are resting. I plan to do the same shortly.

I decided yesterday that if I couldn't post something of substance, I wouldn't post at all. That resolution obviously fell apart... I'll just hope for something better tomorrow.


The Contessa said...

We were totally on the same page today - isn't that funny? I did the same things.... the only difference is Wolfi got his head stuck in a glass pitcher full of candy corn rather than knocking things off the counter. I puttered around my house today too.... The nesting instinct is if nothing else nice and comforting.

Lucy said...

I still enjoy posts like this :) It sounds like a good day, except for the mild sickness. I hope you're feeling better, soon.

Anonymous said...

I found the story of Sprout pushing food off shelves and Chienne eating the spills hilarious. Guess I wouldn't laugh so hard if I had to clean up after them though ;-)

Anonymous said...

sorry you aren't feeling well, i hope tommorrow is better!

i agree with the swiffer, it really does not do the job. of course, i rarely ever do the job because it takes so much work...

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