Wednesday, May 23, 2007

4th Postdoc Carnival

Having never hosted a carnival, I perhaps went overboard with the number of posts included. There is a tremendous amount of good reading here though, some of which I hope is new to some of you. Exploring these authors and ideas should keep you busy, but remember to keep writing. ScienceWoman sneaks in a postdoc carnival on June 23 before beginning a faculty position. But on with the fourth carnival of What's Up, Postdoc? Happy clicking and reading!

Let's start with a delightful "postgrad allegory."

After that, wouldn't you like to become one of us? Or maybe continue in our community from a different location?
Are you still in grad school? Sunil wonders if the PhD process is getting too long.
Navigating the Challenge offers tips from a successful search for a position.
If you're searching for a lab, perhaps Biocurious might be able to help.
Still lost? Try PonderingFool for some sage advice.
If you're interviewing, make sure you spend some time with current students/postdocs in your prospective lab - Image Goddess is trying to warn you!
Do you learn from example? Fun facts and a personal reflection en route to a postdoc from The Argo.

Misery loves company, but there appear to be happy endings for many of us when searching for labs.
Janus Professor finds a great postdoc while trying to escape her graduate lab.
Rob triumphs after his own torture (see 24-33).
Toaster on Fire experiences disappointment and continued hope when searching for a first postdoc.
Freely Jointed Chain (very cool name) starts early on the search for her next lab.
And Status: +61 is already starting to fit in.
The_Girl_From_Ipanema shares her successful interviewing story.
As EnnuiHerself plays the waiting game to hear about postdoctoral funding, I'm wishing her the best of luck.

Who needs cash?
We're poor - no joke.

Adventures of a Postdoc wonders why we can't make more money.
CK@Thirsty shares the salary confusion.

The Argo has suggestions!

Now are we sad about all the stuff we can't afford? Perhaps it's time for everyone to join Luckybuzz for a drink not only to retain sanity, but also for your health!

Questions and Answers and Informational Posts.

Please see Rising to the occasion for a lovely description of what a postdoc does.
Research - and its friend administrative work - know few boundaries. Title Troubles provides some insight (and questions) on goals and limits.
Please see The Daily Transcript for a fantastic discussion on the proximity of Biotechs.
Adiabatic Invariants asks if there are there personality characteristics that make a postdoc successful.
ScienceWoman juggles tasks and describes her part-time post-doc.
Pros and cons of extensive collaborations at hypoglycemiagirl.

Our jobs are hard.
Would you say your postdoctoral work is more magical or carefree? Incoherent Ponderer doesn't seem to think either adjective fits. I tend to concur.
Perhaps your collaborators, like Steven's, are hostile and withhold their toys?
Or is it the nature of our work? Little White Lies explains the "Re" in Research.
Chall discusses being quiet in a rather intense seminar.
Lou has a truly unpleasant colleague. Insults are Not Cool.
Andrew copes with a massive data analysis.
Despite considerable work, Saxifraga still experiences guilt over non-constant publication production.
Yet if we don't hurry, someone else might publish in our area of interest.
Then again, The Eternal Postdoc points out that sometimes one needs a break. It is confusing...publish, perish, or take a nap? I sometimes go with the latter.

What's next?
Ian has some thoughts on embracing uncertainty.
And Chris provides some perspective. (I received serious traffic from that post. Thanks, Chris!)
Propter Doc ponders study abroad. Is there a point? For her sake, I really hope so.
Am I a woman scientist? asks What jobs?
Day By Day provides some excellent thoughts about evaluating priorities.
Acclimating (and receiving benefits) without assistance from Pondering Fool.
Huh. That's a bit discouraging. Should I have done an MD instead? Open Reading Frame presents some reasons it might be wise.
What if you're just unhappy? PhDiva feels a bit stuck.
Ready to leave our ranks? The Ivory Schmower seems to be a wonderful resource.

Thank you.
I volunteered to host in order to help the fabulous Propter Doc who has shouldered more than her share of the carnival duties. But I'm also rather honored to be part of a community of such thoughtful and talented people. The hours of searching for new writers were, I think, well spent. For those that I faithfully read, you provide perspective, entertainment and a great way to procrastinate. Oh, and the images are meaningless - I made them in Photoshop. I'm just trying to be visually as well as intellectually interesting.

See you all next month!


Quiche said...

Great Job!!! I enjoyed reading the carnival even though I am not a postdoc and not a scientist. :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

this is a true treasure-trove of links, and thank-you for linking me. it's nice to know there's a whole comfort zone out there for post-docs and phd students. :)

Chris R said...

You're welcome for the link love, although I'm a little surprised that little old me has that much influence in the blogosphere...

And thanks for a truly excellent carnival!

michelle said...

Good Job! This is awesome.

Veo Claramente said...

What an awesome carnival! Thank you so much for putting it together...

chall said...

Thanks for putting yet more excellent links together so this post doc can flee work every once in a while and read about other post docs' expericences and thoughts :)

ScienceWoman said...

Wow. This looks like a great carnival. Can't wait to read the posts. There are going to be a lot of new links on blogroll soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea about this - thank you for including one of my posts! I'm really flattered.

Loads of new blogs to me here, so looks like I've got plenty of reading to do...

EnnuiHerself said...

Thanks for the link to my blog! I really enjoyed the "Postdoc Carnival." Although I'm (still) a grad student, I enjoyed reading the blogs of others who were/are in the same boat I'm as me. I knew my whining would pay off eventually!

Rob said...

Thanks for linking to me! I'm so happy that others might have the chance to see some of my PhD misery! But yes, it ended well, though there's never really an ending, right?

Nice collection of stories! This ought to keep me busy for some time...

Pat Fitzgerald said...

Thank you for the link. What a great carnival! I did enjoy it. And, if you were wondering, Pat Fitz. is indeed a postdoc in real life.

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. I just had one of the ‘Doh!’ moments and ran back to correct my own site before publishing my comment. You see my own comment form did not match what I’m about to advice. I get less comment than you, so never noticed any problem. I’ve changed it now anyway so here goes.

study abroad

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