Today I was unable to leave the driveway.
"Ka-thump?" I said, befuddled. When I don't immediately understand something, I tend to repeat it. "Oh. Ka-thump," I realized miserably. The idiots who put up my fence had left pieces of trash and hardware strewn over my lawn. A nail or screw had, I predicted, lodged in my tire and flattened it over night. So I nudged the car into drive and made my way - all 5 feet of it - back into my garage.
I didn't even consider changing the tire myself, though I did stop to offer a sympathetic look at the passenger rear wheel on my way to call AAA. The woman was delightfully helpful and a guy arrived within 10 minutes to refill and put on my spare.
"It's a nail," he said. "Too close to the side to patch. I'd charge the fence guys,"
"I will," I said, thanked him, and went to work a little late.

It's 6:22PM. I'm already in pajamas and considering going to sleep. Some days are better written off.
eeek. i hope tomorrow is better
Yep, mulligan.
Ugh, that sucks!
I hope you've ripped the fence guys a new one. They may do beautiful work but they've screwed you over in a number of ways.
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