Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Poor, poor me*

When we last left off, I was going to get into my new goals. I had this really cool analogy in mind too! How when I walk my dog in the mornings, I see this lake, then I have to go down this hill so I can’t see the lake anymore even though I’m closer to the lake than I was when I started. It was going to be really cool.

I had it basically written in my head – could feel the flow I wanted to follow, had paragraph ideas mapped out, and even a nice little ending. I could even picture some comments! I was going to write it this evening since I needed to leave for work after my walk.

I had followed my normal path through the neighborhood, returning to my house only to stop to drag my garbage can back to the house. The plan, as I remember it, was to get my plastic trash receptacle, grab the mail, then head up the driveway.

The plan went awry. I must have stepped on the curb wrong with my left foot, and when I stumbled, my right foot refused to support my weight. You can imagine my surprise when I found myself lying on the street.

It hurt.

“Wow.” I said softly, checking to make sure I wasn’t seriously injured. I picked up my headphones that had clattered to the ground during my tumble, looked up to find the dog regarding me from around the garbage can, and sat up.

No blood, I determined, though I was scratched pretty badly. Both hands, my right elbow. I tore a hole in my pretty blue yoga pants, so that was sad. Wiggling my toes, I decided to stand, and regretted it. Both ankles are really swollen as I sit on my loveseat typing.

I’m working from home today if anyone needs me. I fell down and hurt myself.

*Today finds me more able to walk. The right ankle seems to have recovered, though the left one is still sulking. I'm bruised, but not nearly as badly as I could be. So I have upgraded to moderately poor me. Good news, right?


phd me said...

Oooo, hope you're fully recovered by the evening. Those curbs can be evil; I sprained my ankle and broke a toe this summer when I stepped off a curb. It really does hurt to find yourself spread-eagled in the street!

Yr. Hmbl. & Obdt. said...

Aiyee! It's not just the pain--it's the g*d-damned indignity of it all--you have agony *and* embarassment--and even when people come up and ask "Are you OK?" after such moments, you just *know* that inwardly they're thinking "That...was the funniest f***ing thing I have ever seen." Urgh. OK, no walking, pillows under elevated legs, and if you have bags of frozen peas, apply them to the swelling areas toute de suite. And feel better...

post-doc said...

There's resting. There's elevating. There's icing. It still hurts.

And yes, Dryden, it was embarrassing. Though if anyone saw, they didn't come out of their homes, for which I'm grateful. While I can't claim incredible grace as one of my personal traits, I don't normally fall down. Honestly.

I'm glad I don't normally fall down - it causes a good deal of pain. [insert pitiful whimper to elicit more sympathy]

CharlieAmra said...

Ouch! There is nothing worse than a rolled ankle. Aside from the embarrasment of the fall, there is the problematic pain and swelling, followed by the limping and grimacing. Keep up with the RICE.

Feel better.

post-doc said...

Yes, ouch, thank you. It's not better either. I'm not very mobile, the pain killers have eased my ankles slightly, but they still throb. AND I can't seem to focus for very long on anything, which makes lying around really boring and not at all productive.

Please continue with the sympathy! It is very much deserved.

post-doc said...

For those of you keeping track (nobody? really?), I'm continuing to improve. I'm limping along quite well, and though the left ankle continues to bother me, I'm hanging in there.

And being more careful around curbs.

Anonymous said...

Came across this post only today. Been busy, and was not reading your blog regularly. Hope you're feeling better now.

Get well soon!

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